Transition Year

Aim of our TY Programme

Transition Year in Marino College is a fantastic learning experience full of personal growth and opportunities. Students are given the opportunity to explore their own talents and abilities beyond the confines of the timetable.  It provides a bridge to enable students make the transition from Junior to Senior cycle. It encourages personal and social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence.

Transition Year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for a Leaving Certificate Programme, further study and adult and working life. It encourages the development of critical thinking and creative problem solving. Students will be given the opportunity to explore many subjects in areas including the Arts, Science, Technology, and the Humanities. The year consists of 35 weeks of school. Two of these are set aside for work experience.


The students will be offered a wide variety of subjects and learning experiences throughout the year. Below are some examples of what will be offered:

Subjects/modules: English, Irish, Maths, French, History, Classics, Home Economics, Woodwork, Coding, IT, Art, Science, Music, Business and Career Guidance.

Examples of other activities and modules: Gaisce, first aid, work experience, volunteer and community work, mental health, relationships and sexual education, drivers ed, TY interviews, Lir Academy programme, GAA Future Leaders programme, Glasnevin tour guiding project, TY interviews, trips including a two night trip away, workshops, college visits and life skill classes.

Benefits of doing Transition Year

  • Opportunity to gain useful work experience.

  • Encouraged to take up new skills or hobbies.

  • Friendships blossom during Transition Year.

  • Activities tend to place an emphasis on teamwork and friendship.

  • Students have more time to think about leaving cert subjects and college choices.

  • It gives the students a year to mature - there is a HUGE difference between a 16-year-old leaving school and an 18-year-old leaving school! Reports suggest that anyone who does TY will succeed in doing a better Leaving Certificate and will benefit by earning up to 70 points extra by doing this extra year of school.


The fee for entry into Transition Year is 250 euro. This includes trips and private buses for day trips and events, guest speakers, class materials, First Aid course, Insurance scheme, photocopying, journal and workshops.

Work Experience

Marino College works with the NEIC to arrange work experience for our students. The NEIC programme provides our students with incredible opportunities in the world of work by sourcing work placements tailored to the specific interests of each student.

Students will have the opportunity to complete two weeks work experience but may be offered additional placements throughout the year. Work experience placements include Department of the Taoiseach, Central Bank, PWC, GSOC and A&L Goodbody.

Social Awareness Volunteer Opportunities and The President’s Award - An Gaisce

Social Awareness Volunteer Opportunities are an important part of the Transition Year Programme. It is expected that all students will participate in some form of voluntary work in the community during this year- both during school time and as an after-school activity (e.g. as part of the Gaisce award).

The President’s Award - An Gaisce

  • Students are encouraged to participate in The President’s Award and will receive recognition for this on TY Graduation Night. This will involve:

  • Developing a Skill- one hour per week

  • Community work-one hour per week

  • Physical activity-one hour per week

  • There will be an overnight trip organised as part of the “Spirit of Adventure task”

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Sample list of trips and activities 2020

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  • Drivers Ed

  • Ice Skating

  • First Aid

  • Junk Kouture

  • Learn how to play the ukulele

  • Christmas Craft Fair, Christmas Concert

  • Bag packing for Down Syndrome Ireland

  • Bake Sale for Temple Street Hospital

  • Step-in Engineers week

  • Work Experience

  • Cycling in Phoenix park

  • Cooking Classes

  • Community work

  • Irish Aid workshop

  • Jigsaw - One Good School Programme

  • Butlers Chocolate Factory

  • Glasnevin Tour Guiding Project

  • Airfield Farm

  • Croke Park

  • Drama workshop - Lir Academy

Teaching and Learning

The Transition Year Programme at Marino College will use a wide range of teaching and learning methodologies and situations such as:

  • Contract of Learning

  • Demonstrations

  • Drama

  • Educational, Social and Cultural trips

  • Group/Pair work

  • ICT Skills

  • Interviews

  • Logbook

  • Diaries

  • Oral Presentations

  • Portfolio

  • Project work

  • Research

  • Visiting speakers

  • Work Experience

  • Written Assessment


The Department of Education and Science awards a certificate of participation to all who complete a Transition Year Programme. The school will also certify the students’ participation, enthusiasm, commitment, and progress throughout the year.

There will be opportunities to receive external certification during Transition Year in some subjects and modules, e.g. First Aid, Future Leaders, Glasnevin Tour Guiding, The Gaisce Award. At the end of the school year, students’ efforts will be recognised by holding an exhibition of student work and by awards given at the school’s annual Prizegiving Ceremony.